
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
The Mr.Sensational Gino Vega Podcast Ep.15: It Was An Illegal Kick
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Hey kids! Get ready for an all new MSGVP. Man, what a treat right? This time our guy talks all sort of interesting stuff including Cobra Kai, which is amazing if you haven't watched it yet, Bias and Relativity.. It's some real interesting stuff as per usual.
If you wanna reach out to our guy you can find him on the tweets at @SensationalVega or on Facebook as Gino Vega! He'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
The The Mr.Sensational Gino Vega Podcast Ep.13: At the Mountains of Madness
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Hey kids. We are back with an all new episode of The MSGVP. This time around our guy Gino talks about a show he's been digging into lately, the HBO program Lovecraft Country and how it tackles the ideas of "cancel culture". It's an interesting listen with some really interesting ideas.
Thanks for tuning in and make sure to tell a pal!

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
The Mr Sensational Gino Vega Podcast Ep.12: Things Get Bizarre
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Hey kids. This time around our guy Gino talks about the ups and downs of creative stuff including his time running an E-Wrestling Federation and his time spent in a band. It's really great stuff.
There's tons more including some of the weird stuff he's seen around Napa and more! Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to hit up our dude Gino on the tweets. @SensationalVega

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
The Mr.Sensational Gino Vega Podcast Ep.11: Crisis Cokes
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Get ready for another all new/super fun episode of The MSGVP our guy Gino starts off with some talk about Coke and it's place in his life as well as a ton of other super interesting topics.
Then he moves onto the importance of having creative output in your life.
It's a great episode. Make sure to tell a friend!

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
The Mr Sensational Gino Vega Podcast Ep.10: America's Movable Talking Man
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Hey kids! He's back after many moons away. This is really the greatest news we've had in literally years. Our dude Gino is back. Consider this episode to be sort of a reintroduction to the guy through his unique outlook on life and all that it entails.
Sit back, tune in and let the smooth words take you to a much happier place...
Want more Gino? You can find him HERE!!!!

Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Hey everyone, at long last the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast is BACK! My podcasting was seriously derailed by the Northern CA fires in October, but I finally managed to get things together and come up with another installment of The World’s Most Mundane Podcast.
That’s right, we’re BACK, baby! And that means another hour or so of rambling, tangential talk—this time somewhat centered around my Grandma’s recent funeral and memories I have of playing with my Atari 2600/Sears Video Arcade as a kid. Check it out if you’re so inclined, and don’t forget to visit www.iseerobots.com for all the great content on the I See Robots Radio Network!

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Hey everyone, Gino Vega here, back with Episode 8 of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network!
This episodes kicks off season 2 of the show with a look back at what I did during my summer vacation—dudes freaking out on PCP, sushi conveyor belts, and New Japan Pro Wrestling...it’s all here!
Then it’s on to a look back at my memories watching Saturday Morning Cartoons as a youth, some thoughts on the institution, and even a few acapela renditions of Cartoon themes. Don’t say I never did anything for you!
Check out the rest of what’s up on the I See Robot Radio Network over at iseerobots.com, support our efforts for as little as $1 a month at supportthereport.com, or head over to https://www.redbubble.com/people/IseeRobots to grab some merch at our Redbubble store!

Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Hey everyone, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega here, back with Episode 2 of the Summer Series Of The “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network!
This episode I kick things off by telling a tale that I forgot to tell the last time around and then it's on to the feature portion of the show where I compare two really off the wall Hip-Hop Ventures, One by Dee Dee Ramone the other by Hall Of Fame Wrestler/Human Randy Macho Man Savage.
Unlike that TV show Seinfeld, the MSGV Podcast really IS a show about nothing!
As always, you can check out the rest of the I See Robots Radio Network empire at www.iseerobots.com, you can support our ventures (and get access to premium content) for as little as ONE DOLLAR A MONTH at www.supportthereport.com, and you can find links to connect with me at Facebook and Twitter over at my abandoned website www.ginovega.wordpress.com.

Thursday Jul 06, 2017
MSGV Summer Special Vol.1: VHS MMA Memories
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Hey everyone, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega here, back with Episode 1 of the Summer Series Of The “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network!
This episode I kick things off by talking about some MMA stuff namely Bellator fighting championship and then from there we move onto my history of renting up MMA VHS tapes over at my VHS Hot Spot, Video Droid...
Unlike that TV show Seinfeld, the MSGV Podcast really IS a show about nothing!
As always, you can check out the rest of the I See Robots Radio Network empire at www.iseerobots.com, you can support our ventures (and get access to premium content) for as little as ONE DOLLAR A MONTH at www.supportthereport.com, and you can find links to connect with me at Facebook and Twitter over at my abandoned website www.ginovega.wordpress.com.

Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Thursday Jun 08, 2017
Hey everyone, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega here, back with Episode 7 of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network!
This episode I kick things off by talking about getting sick for the first time in awhile and sharing a story about some teenagers who recently menaced us here at Sensational Manor.
Then it’s on to some TALES FROM BENNETT VALLEY. Bennett Valley was the first neighborhood I lived in here in Santa Rosa, CA. Looking back at my time there yields memories of hanging out at random fools’ houses and apartments, roaming the hood in search of 7-11, and discovering Garbage Pail Kids, M.U.S.C.L.E.s, comic books and...ADULT MAGAZINES.
Unlike that TV show Seinfeld, the MSGV Podcast really IS a show about nothing!
As always, you can check out the rest of the I See Robots Radio Network empire at www.iseerobots.com, you can support our ventures (and get access to premium content) for as little as ONE DOLLAR A MONTH at www.supportthereport.com, and you can find links to connect with me at Facebook and Twitter over at my abandoned website www.ginovega.wordpress.com.

Thursday May 11, 2017
The Mr. Sensational Gino Vega Podcast Ep.6: My Life In Music Part 4
Thursday May 11, 2017
Thursday May 11, 2017
Hey everybody, Gino Vega here with episode six of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast!
This week is a super-sized episode as we finish off my “history as a music fan” story arc with my high school years as a HARDCORE PUNK ROCKER. We’ll talk shows at the Phoenix Theater in Petaluma, CA, 924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, Operation Ivy, Fugazi, Nomeansno, Green Day, Screeching Weasel, Marcy’s Playground (???), and more!
But before that we’ll take a look at the upcoming release of the video game Fire Pro Wrestling World, my struggles with Fire Pro addiction, and some memories of a few of the other great video games in wrestling video game history.
As always, check out everything else the I See Robots Radio Network has to offer over at www.iseerobots.com, and help support us for as little as ONE DOLLAR A MONTH over at www.supportthereport.com

Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Hey everybody, it is I, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega, back with Episode 5 of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network.
This episode I talk about an All Pro Wrestling show I attended back in February, then it’s on to part 3 of my history as a fan of popular music.
We’ll discuss my descent into thrash metal, memories of the “rockers vs. rappers” war at my junior high school, and my discovery of the band Faith No More, which acted as a bridge from metal to punk music.
Thanks for listening, and be sure to visit iseerobots.com for the rest of the great podcast lineup the I See Robots Radio Network has to offer!

Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Hey kids. Get ready for another exciting episode of The Mr. Sensational Gino Vega Podcast! On this episode our boy GV delves deeper into his love of music. This time around he covers everything from his early attempts to acquire cassettes, his first Ghetto Blaster and his times as a Beat Street Style Break-Dancer. It's SO GOOD!
I just listened to this and man, it is so great. I really mean that. It is FANTASTIC. Just so many great stories packed into one super fun episode. I cannot recommend this highly enough. It's super.
Make sure to hop on over to Support The Report and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! While helping to support the show. Man, we need all the help that we can get.
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The IseeRobots Radio Network

Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Hey everybody it is I, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega, back with Episode 3 of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robotsows. Radio Network. On this episode I take a look at the recent holiday season, seasonal anxiety, and a show I played over the holidays with my band The Invalids.
After that, it’s a muddled road as we plow through some of my weird family tree en route to talking about my history and memories as a fan of popular music in the 1980’s, 1990’s, and the 2000’s. Of course I bit off more than I could chew with this topic, so we don’t get out of the 1980’s, but if you’d like to join me for my thoughts on my earliest memories of MTV and my grade school infatuation with hair metal, sit back and enjoy the ride. And if not? Hey, who can blame you!
Feel free to visit my website www.ginovega.wordpress.com for some additional notes and pictures related to this episode, and, while you're at it, hop on over to www.supportthereport.com, where for as little as ONE DOLLAR a month you can help support the I See Robots Radio Network and its fine catalog of shows

Thursday Dec 15, 2016
The Mr.Sensational Gino Vega Podcast Ep.2: Failures In Skateboarding
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Hey everyone, it is I, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega, back with the second episode of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network!
Today’s show is a look at my failed attempts to hang out with skateboard kids back when I was in 6th grade. It’s a humbling tale of self deprecation, but also a reminder that even the world’s biggest dweeb can come out OK on the other side. And I still contend that T&C Surf Design tees were the coolest!
Join us for this trip to the days when Lucero t-shirts were aplenty, Thrasher magazines were ubiquitous, and skateboarders took their protocol more seriously than Robert’s Rules of Order at a Rotary Club Meeting.
Feel free to visit my website www.ginovega.wordpress.com for some additional notes and pictures related to this episode, and, while your at it, hop on over to www.supportthereport.com, where for as little as ONE DOLLAR a month you can help support the I See Robots Radio Network and it’s fine catalog of shows.

Thursday Dec 01, 2016
The Mr.Sensational Gino Vega Podcast Ep.1: Origins
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
This week on The Mr.Sensatioonal Gino Vega Podcast we take a look at how a young man by the name of Gino Vega grew into being Mr.Sensational.
We look at his younger days, wrestling and all sorts of other cool things. It's a nice slice or life from the man, the myth, the legend.. Mr.Sensational Gino Vega...