
Saturday Feb 15, 2025
An IseeRobots Interview Special: Let's Learn About Tissue Procurment with Gavi!
Saturday Feb 15, 2025
Saturday Feb 15, 2025
Hey kids! This is a first for us here at ISR Radio! We have an hour long interview with my friend Gavi about her job in the field of tissue procurement! What is that? Well when you pass on and were nice enough to be an organ donor she is the one who removes your tissue, bones and organs for donations! What a wild job!
We talk to her about what's involved, how she got into it and a ton of other stuff! I hope you like it and have a good time listening!
I hope to have her on again soon so if you have any follow up questions hit me up!

Friday Aug 23, 2024
The Doug Jones Panel From Concord Con 2022
Friday Aug 23, 2024
Friday Aug 23, 2024
Hey kids! In the latest in my slow going project to bring a lot of the patreon stuff over to the main feed I present a 2022 Concord Con panel around The Hocus Pocus Sequel on Disney+ Featuring the cast of the movie including the great Doug Jones. Here is what I had to say at the time. Enjoy...
This one is super fun! This is a three way panel where the dudes (Doug, Larry Bagby and Tobias Jelinek) talk about the film Hocus-Pocus. Doug of course talks Star-Trek and a ton of other great topics!

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Special Bonus Show: The Patron Only Show Ep.13: You’ve Won A Trip To The Bahamas
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Hey kids, I'm still laid up but I feel super-bad about leaving you guys high and dry so I thought of a solution that I think will make most everyone happy. I have a show that for the most part you guys haven't heard. It's a Patreon Exclusive show known as The Patron Only Show, creative I know.
Anyhow, this was recorded in March of 2020. It's pretty good honestly. Give it a listen... Here's what I had to say at the time..
hey kids. Get ready for an all new/all fun episode of The POS. This time around your dude spends time at The Dig, goes to The Dollar Tree and wins a trip to the Bahamas....
Thanks for your continued support. It means the world to me. I hope you enjoy the show!

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Worlds Famous Ep.47: The Halloween Episode
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Happy Halloween Kids! We have an awesome episode ahead of us this week. We start off with some Gi-Joe Stuff and then tell a tale of The Greatest Halloween Of My Life. It's a pretty fun little Radio Play with Derrick, me and Big Daddy Craig. I think you guys will dig it.
Then it's some of this and that. It's all fun.
Patreon Content at SupportTheReport.com

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
The Food Cube Fiasco: The Directors Cut
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Hey kids. I am proud to present to you what I think is my best work. The Food Cube Fiasco for the 1st time brought to you in one big lump of audio fun.
This is basically the ISR "movie" if a movie can be only audio... It's all 36 of The Food Cube Shorts, remixed with some other interesting goodies thrown into spice it up. This has all the commercials, news breaks and bits. It's fantastic.
I am very proud of this project so if you ever share an episode please make it this one..

Monday Apr 25, 2022
At The Movies: Ambulance and Thoughts On Everything Everywhere All At Once
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Hey kids! We have a special treat this week. At The Movies is a show we do over at Patreon but I felt like it was time to let you kids know what you are missing!
This week we talk about Ambulance and cover all sorts of Movie News~! It's a really fun show.
If you'd like more head over to SupportTheReport.com to get all the details!

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
An IseeRobots Radio Musical Christmas Experience. Tons Of Fun! Power Records!
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Hey guys! This week we have a very special treat. A Christmas Special. How original huh? This one is cool though. I don't know how many people out there know this but I used to totally do a different podcast way back in the day. like a few years ago. It was called creatively enough IseeRobots Radio.
It was basically a music show focused on Golden Age Hip Hop with commercials and other retro weirdness mixed in. It was cool even if nobody really listened. Once a year though I'd flip the script and throw down some Christmas Beats.
This is the second and far superior version of the IseeRobots Christmas Special, the 2013 version. It's great, really if you listen to one Christmas podcast make it this one. I think it's my finest hour. Seriously.
What it is is an hour or so of Christmas music from the likes of Buck Owens or The Jackson Five mixed with some classic Peter Pan Holiday Story records. I guarantee that you'll like it.
It's family friendly and perfect for when you guys are chilling around the house doing family stuff. Give it a shot. What do you have to lose? Nothing but a little time and you stand to gain a lot more! Merry Christmas from us here at the ISR Command Center.

Saturday Jun 05, 2021
A Primer For The IseeRobots Radio Universe.
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Before listening to Episode 1 Of Worlds Famous here is a quick refresher on all the goings on at The Jupiter Moon Base.
It's a brief history of IseeRobots Radio, everything from Iceberg Thirteen To Johnny Coins.
Return to this track as needed.

Friday May 14, 2021

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Hey kids. I've been doing a Patreon Exclusive Show for a bit now and IDK, this seems like a perfect time to share that with you guys. The POS is a bit more Low-Fi than our regular ISR Type shows.. It's me out and about with my mini-recorder talking about whatever while doing this and that around the Earth Base...
It's a pretty fun time TBH, a bit more personal than the ISR Show... Give it a listen and see what you think.. Want some more of this? Hop over to SupportTheReport.com to find out how..
This is what I had to say at the time...
This time around we hang and clang around the garage and call in from the dig before getting scared by thunder...

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
The Sausagetarian Christmas Cookie Spectacular
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Hey kids. We have something super fun for this most wonderful time of the year, Christmas! What is it? A Sausagetarian Christmas Cookie Spectacular. Our gal Sara, The Sausagetarian spends just about under an hour with you guys talking Christmas Records, Christmas Cookies and all sorts of other Christmas related shenanigans!
It's a great time that's sure to make you want to make some Christmas Cookies of your own!
Sara can be found at twitter.com/Sausagetarian or at Sausagetarian on Instagram.
Make sure to tell a friend! They will thank you again and again!

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
The POS Blackout Special 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Hey kids! As some of you may know Sonoma County where I live was recently struck with a mandatory blackout due to high winds and such. The fear was that the wind would knock over power poles and start another fire like back a couple years ago.
It was pretty wild. We were without power for days.. During that time I set up a makeshift studio using my mini-recorder and a boombox. My thought was to record a POS or Patreon Only Show but as time went on and I started working on it I began to see that it might be an interesting story for everyone..
I talk about what I did during that time, how we made it through without electricity. What we did for fun how we kept the food fresh all sorts of stuff. It's an overall pretty interesting episode and somewhat newsworthy..
I hope you all enjoy hearing my tales and if you are interested in hearing more stuff like this there are like 10 other POS episodes over on Patreon.. Check it out over at SupportTheReport.com

Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. This week we have what might be the greatest episode of The TRU RPT of ALL THE TIMES~! The 2nd Annual IseeRobots Radio Film Academy Summer Movie Awards where we celebrate all the fantastic movies that come out this, the most wonderful time of the year for films..Summer.
As our way of honoring all of the fine filmmakers who honored us with fine Summer Films tonight on the show we'll be giving awards out in 5 categories. Best Summer Comedy, Best Summer Horror Film, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actor and Best Summer Movie.
Joining us live, via satellite are a few luminaries from the pod-casting universe, my good friends. Vic Sage and The Projectionist from The Saturday Frights Podcast, Zerb from Zerbinator Land and Ferg Ferguson from The Atari 2600 Game By Game Podcast, Gino Vega from Here on IseeRobots Radio as well as Carlos from Geekfest Rants! It's an all star cast and I was so happy to have their help and you, my dudes will be super happy to hear them! They all came correct and helped to make this a must listen to episode.
It's a great show like always, Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! It's totally worth it! Just do it already!
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
The Toys R Us Report Musical X-Mas Extravaganza 2016
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Hey kids! Thanks for sharing the most wonderful time of the year with us here up on Jupiter's 3rd Largest Moon, Callisto. In the spirit of the holidays our pal Iceberg 13 put together an hour long mix of some great X-Mas tunes along with some fun commercials and other cool X-Mas stuff. It's not to be missed.
Then at the end of the show me and Iceberg finish off by talking about the true meaning of X-Mas. A good time was had by all This is a real def hour of music and other offbeat shenanigans sure to entertain the family during some Christmas time activity such as Gingerbread house building or whatnot. Share it with the your peeps. They'll thank you.
It's a great show like always, Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! It's totally worth it! Just do it already!
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.

Sunday Dec 18, 2016
At The Movies: Rogue One
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
Just got back from seeing Rogue One. Let me tell you all about it. Spoiler Free. I am one with the force. The Force is one with me.

Sunday Nov 20, 2016
The Toys R Us Report Ep.100: The Secret Origin Of Engineer Emily
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Well kids, this is. The big 100th Episode. On the real tip, this is one of, if not the best episodes of ALL THE TIMES! My words here cannot do it justice.
It's a grand Space Play were we explore the mysterious origins of show producer, Engineer Emily... There is hand to hand robot combat, a brutal spaceship dog fight and some serious heart to heart talks.. It's a ton of fun!
It's a great show like always, Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! It's totally worth it! Just do it already!
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.

Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. This week we have what might be the greatest episode of The TRU RPT of ALL THE TIMES~! The 1st Annual TRU RPT Summer Movie Awards where we celebrate all the fantastic movies that come out this, the most wonderful time of the year for films..Summer.
We'll be giving awards out in 5 catagories. Best Summer Comedy, Best Summer Horror Film, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actor and Best Summer Movie.
Joining us live, via satellite are a few luminaries from the podcasting universe, my good friends. Vic Sage and The Projectionist from The Saturday Frights Podcast, Zerb from Zerbinator Land and Ferg Ferguson from The Atari 2600 Game By Game Podcast. I was so happy to have their help and you, my dudes will be super happy to hear them! They all came correct and helped to make this a must listen to episode.
It's a great show like always, Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! It's totally worth it! Just do it already!
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
The Audio Handbook Of The Marvel Universe Ep.1: The Purple Man
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Hey kids! Dig it. What we have here this week is a sneak peek of The Patron Only Show known as The Audio Handbook Of The Marvel Universe. This episode takes an in-depth look at one of the most loathsome dudes in the entire Marvel Universe, The Purple Man.
The show normally drops twice a month and is created exclusively for folks who sign up as Patrons of The Toys R Us Report! It's fun and as so far has been getting rave reviews. Wanna get down with this on the regular? Just hop over to SupportTheReport.com to get all the details. On the real tip, you can sign up for as little as a dollar a month! How cool is that?

Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
IseeRobots Radio Presents: Return Of The Space Pirates
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Alright dudes. This is it. The Space Pirates are back. This is an action packed half hour of stuff. If you only listen to one episode this year I'd recommend that you check out this one. It's an all out battle in space with The Pirates for control of the station. It features Me, A.B, Iceberg as well as a returning character from the past and introduction of an all new dude that fits in big on The Pooptronics scene. It is not to be missed. Who will live? Who will die? Yes, some folks might not make it. This is is space dudes. People die out here.
We picked up 2 new Patrons this week! That's always fantastic. The 1st is a long time friend of the show, Mr.Sensational himself, Gino Vega. He and Me go way back so dude, big up to you. The 2nd is a fella that I know from Twitter, he goes by This Guy Games, He goes by @ThisGuyGames over on Twitter. Make sure to give him a follow. Dude RULES!!!!
It's a great show like always, Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape at the same time you are supporting the Toys R Us Repott! It's totally worth it! Just do it already!
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
The Toys R Us Report. Best Of 2015. Sort Of.
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. We have a super fun show ahead of us this week! It's what we call in the business a clip show. Ya. It's real fun though. I picked a few of my favorite segments from throughout the year and pushed them together to make one all new, sort of/all fun episode of The Toys R Us Report.
We start off with a classic tale of Two Kaias. Which was one of my favorite personal stories and then it's onto a nice movie review of one of my favorite flicks of the year. Mad Max. It's pretty good. Well, the movie is great but the review is pretty good and then it's onward on to the main event, a nice talk about GI Joe's resident Infantry Trooper, Grunt. It's good stuff.
Dudes, it's been a great year. I really appreciate you guys tuning in every week. It means a lot to me to think that maybe we've actually made some of your time here on this rock we call Earth a little better, well, it makes me feel all warm on the inside...
It's a great show like always, Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! It's totally worth it! Just do it already!
Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your holiday needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
The Toys R Us Report Episode 55:Ghost Hunting At The Haunted Toys R Us
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Happy Halloween kids! This week we have a SUPER AWESOME episode of the show ahead of us. Let's start with the small stuff first. We lead off with a new song from ship DJ Iceberg Thirteen and then move onto a little talk about AMC's hit show, Fear The Walking Dead and then it's At The Movies where we talk about a GREAT movie I saw called Sicario. It was dope.
Then it's on to the Main Event which is sure to be a classic bit of Toys R Us Report History. We went Ghost Hunting At The Haunted Toys R Us in Sunnyvale California. Watch this bit from Real People to learn more..
It's all in the episode though. So you can hear it there but it's also fun to watch. Basically it's all haunted up and me an my boy Iceberg Thirteen went down there to see what's what. I'm not a big believer in this sort of thing but we've came up with a recorded that might change my mind! You have to hear it. It's pretty creepy.
Look dudes, this is going to be something people talk about for years. You wanna be part of that right? Like all cutting edge and in the know as far as what people talk about right?
Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to hop on over to SupportTheReport.com and see what we can do for you for helping out with The Toys R Us Report. Any and all support is greatly appreciated..! Thanks again kids! Have a great Halloween!

Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Power Records Playhouse EP1: Wonder Woman VS. The War Gods
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Hey kids, had a couple of extra minutes left in the old Podcast Hosting gimmick so I threw together a little deal here. It's another one of those awesome Power Record Story type thing. including a special intro by your's truly! It's super fun. Make sure to tell a friend! Also make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out what we can do for you for becoming a show patron!

Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
The Toys R Us Report: Space Pirates Attack
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Hey kids! This week disaster strikes The ISR Space Station as a band of evil Space Pirates Attack!! This is destined to be an all time classic episode. Make sure to give it a listen! You won't be sorry for long. Make sure to drop by SupportTheReport.com and take a peek at all the cool incintives you can score on by becoming a show supporter!

Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Power Records Presents: Aquaman: The Defeat Of The Dehydrator
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
As it turns out I wound up with a bit of extra space on the good old Podcast Hard Drive up here on the ISR Space Station. So I decided to spin a Power Records Classic! Aquaman VS The Dehydrator. It's sure to please... All nice and aquatic on a hot summer day.. Enjoy..

Tuesday May 19, 2015
ISR Boom Bap Remix
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
There have been a couple of requests for the ISR Boom Bap Drop. I kind of like it myself. It's our trustworthy secret weapon Melissa kicking a freestyle of sorts over KRS One's classic Return Of The Boom Bap Beat.. Enjoy...