
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Classic Episode Repost! Worlds Famous ep 47: The Halloween Episode!
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Hey guys, I'm not going to lie, Zoya that new puppy has thrown a wrench into the production schedule here at ISR Studios. I was only able to get throw maybe 60 percent of a new episode so I had to fall back on a blast from the past! It's a good one though.. Here is what we had to say at the time!..
Then it's some of this and that. It's all fun.
Patreon Content at SupportTheReport.com

Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Hey kids. Ahead of the upcoming Behind The Bit With Ed we felt it might be fun to share an episode from the past that might have some significance to the forthcoming Program. Just to keep you up on things..
Here is what we had to say the time...

Sunday Dec 18, 2022
A Holiday Tradition: The Sausagetarian Christmas Cookie Spectacular
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Hey kids. It's the perfect time to make some cookies for your loved ones and what better way to spend that time baking than with your pal and mine, Sara The Sausagetarian!
This classic episode is available once again! Here is what we had to say at the time..
It's a great time that's sure to make you want to make some Christmas Cookies of your own!
Sara can be found at twitter.com/Sausagetarian or at Sausagetarian on Instagram.
Make sure to tell a friend! They will thank you again and again!

Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Hey kids. I'm still out there walking the earth, it might be awhile til I make it back home honestly so let's dig into the back catalogue and see what kind of stuff we can find.. Let's see what I had to say about this one way back in 2020...
This week on the show we have a TON of great stuff ahead of us.. We start off with the latest from my lawyer Angus Mcshay and his thoughts on The Pooptronics debacle.. It's interesting to say the least.
Then for At The Movies I saw Parasite and I'm gonna tell you my thoughts and such. Was it worthy of all the accolades? Tune in for my thoughts.
For the main event segment of the show I'm gonna drop a Top 5 List I've been thinking about for awhile.. My Top 5 B-List members of The Justice League..
Basically what I mean is.. these are the other guys outside the Holy Trinity and all the other big guys.. Basically your Commander Steels and your Red Tornados.. Those sort of dudes. It's a ton of fun.
At the end we talk He-Man knockoffs, GI Joe O-Ring replacements and He-Man Knockoffs..

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Hey kids! We're away from the homestead this week so we want to regale you with a blast from the past...
Let's see what we had to say about this classic episode!
Make sure to hop on over to Support The Report and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! While helping to support the show. Man, we need all the help that we can get.

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Classic Geekfest Rants: Episode 98 - Overlooked Time Travel Films
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Hey kids. We are back with a blast from the past episode of Geekfest Rants! This is one of my favorite from their rich back catalog available at GeekfestRants.com. Let's see what Carlos had to say about it at the time!
On today's episode of GFR Carlos and James discuss underrated time travel films. We all remember the classics like Terminator and Back the Future but what about genre efforts like The Final Countdown, Time After Time and Somewhere in Time (all of which were released around the same...uh, time).

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Hey everyone, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega here, back with Episode 7 of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network!
This episode I kick things off by talking about getting sick for the first time in awhile and sharing a story about some teenagers who recently menaced us here at Sensational Manor.
Then it’s on to some TALES FROM BENNETT VALLEY. Bennett Valley was the first neighborhood I lived in here in Santa Rosa, CA. Looking back at my time there yields memories of hanging out at random fools’ houses and apartments, roaming the hood in search of 7-11, and discovering Garbage Pail Kids, M.U.S.C.L.E.s, comic books and...ADULT MAGAZINES.
Unlike that TV show Seinfeld, the MSGV Podcast really IS a show about nothing!

Friday May 27, 2022
Classic Geekfest Rants: Ep.215 Star Wars Action Figure Wish List Oct 2014
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
Join us for another classic GFR! This time out Carlos and James talk about what else? Star Wars Figures! Here's what they had to say at the time!
By now you know how much some of us here at GeekFest Rants, love to talk about Star Wars and specifically, it's lines of action figures. Whether its vintage Kenner or modern Hasbro, we're all over it. But we also love to talk about Star Wars figures that were never made. If you are too, you're in luck.
Today we dig deep into the "I wish they would make..." cave, to see which potential figures we can unearth from the Original Trilogy. Join Carlos and James as they channel their always present inner child to tackle this never ending subject.

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Due to some unforeseen Issues Mr. Sensational is off planet dealing with a tactical situation and shall return next week. We bring you this classic episode.
On this Episode, GV has two false starts before finally recording the episode properly, gets confused about what the movie Nobody is about and who Bob Odenkirk is, and then moves on to some talk about his lifelong relationship with baseball and his last 20 years as a fan of the Oakland A's.

Thursday May 19, 2022
Classic Episode Repost! This Boring Life: Comic Book Stores
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
This is one of my favorite episodes of all the times. I remember how daunting it seemed when I thought of the idea and how happy I was when I was finally done with it lol.. This is from March of 2017. Here is what we had to say at the time.

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Our guy is away from the manor on a secret mission but he sent in this blast from past episode from 5 years ago this month! Let's see what he had to say at the time...
Hey everybody, Gino Vega here with episode six of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast!
This week is a super-sized episode as we finish off my “history as a music fan” story arc with my high school years as a HARDCORE PUNK ROCKER. We’ll talk shows at the Phoenix Theater in Petaluma, CA, 924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, Operation Ivy, Fugazi, Nomeansno, Green Day, Screeching Weasel, Marcy’s Playground (???), and more!
But before that we’ll take a look at the upcoming release of the video game Fire Pro Wrestling World, my struggles with Fire Pro addiction, and some memories of a few of the other great video games in wrestling video game history.
As always, check out everything else the I See Robots Radio Network has to offer over at www.iseerobots.com, and help support us for as little as ONE DOLLAR A MONTH over at www.supportthereport.com

Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
This is an intersting one because we just went to the 1st 40/8 Flea Market in two years! It was so wild to be back there again. This ep is from May of 2019. Let's see what we had to say at the time...
This week on The TRU RPT we start off with a new jam from Iceberg and MC Kate (Makes The Mic Disintegrate) Then we are lucky enough to have IB in the booth with us and he tells us a bit about his mixing style and then we have a new Johnny Court Commercial. It's all fun
From there we take a look at Detective Pikachu, the first ever live action Pokemon Game. It was alright.
For the main event we talk a bit about the start of flea market season and what that means to us and what we got at our first 40/8 Flea Market of the year. It's a pretty fun segment.
At the end of the show we talk about a VHS Tape I found and some other stuff of that sort. It's all good.
Wanna help out? Tell a friend at the very least at the very most hop on over to SupportTheReport.com for some Patreon Exclusive content.

Friday May 06, 2022
Classic Geekfest Rants: Ep.157 V For Visitors
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
We are back with another super fun and informative episode of Geekfest Rants. This week Carlos talks with James about the super great 80's miniseries V! I was so into V BITD. What a classic. Let's take a look at what Carlos had to say at the time..
Today on Geekfest Rants Carlos and James once again step back into the 80's to visit an old friend of their childhood, V the Mini Series, V the Final Battle, and V the Series. Join us as we take a look at this very popular, for the times, network tv entry into the sci-fi realm. As expected, we will also discuss the toys and even the recently unsuccessful ABC reboot.

Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
This week's blast from the past is from October of 2019. Some good GI Joe Talk as well as some other junk too. Here's what we had to say at the time...
This week on The ISR Show we have a super awesome episode ahead of us! We start off with a convo between me and Iceberg. We're in the Jupiter Base Snack Shack and talk about Emily, Aliens and all sorts of stuff... It's fun.
Then we move onto At The Movies where we're gonna take a spoiler-free peak into The Joker.. DC's latest Comic Book Movie. I enjoyed it and have some thoughts on it and what it means to DC and the world at large..
For the Main Event of the show we're gonna revisit one of my favorite topics of all the times and space.. From Ace To Zartan! This time around we're gonna take a look at all of the GI Joe Real American Hero Figures from 1984. This includes dudes like Zartan, Duke, The Baroness and many others. It's a fun and info packed segment..
We kind of cut the final segment short because From Ace To Zartan went so long.. There is some toy talk and mention of a helmet I got for a Mego of mine.. It's a good time..
Make sure to tell a friend! We need your support to grow the pod into the world wide phenomenon it can be.. lol..

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Some unforseen circumstances have pulled Mr.Sensational away from the soundboard. We present this blast from the past in his absence.
Hey everybody it is I, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega, back with Episode 3 of the “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network. On this episode I take a look at the recent holiday season, seasonal anxiety, and a show I played over the holidays with my band The Invalids.
After that, it’s a muddled road as we plow through some of my weird family tree en route to talking about my history and memories as a fan of popular music in the 1980’s, 1990’s, and the 2000’s. Of course I bit off more than I could chew with this topic, so we don’t get out of the 1980’s, but if you’d like to join me for my thoughts on my earliest memories of MTV and my grade school infatuation with hair metal, sit back and enjoy the ride. And if not? Hey, who can blame you!

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Hey kids! We're taking a little break this week as we head into the conclusion of Season One Of Worlds Famous.. Don't worry though.. We have something fun for you. I blast from the past episode.. Let's see what we had to say about this one at the time...
Hey kids. We have a real humdinger of a show this week! We're doing two of the things you guys seem to like me to talk about the most in the same feature! We're gonna talk food, AND do a Top 5! Plus, it's Halloween Related.. The Top 5 Halloween Candies Of All The Times! It's gonna be great.
Before we get there though we have to pass through some somber space and confront the passing of Robert Forrester. I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Forrester once and I really wanted to share that story with you guys. He was a nice dude.
For At The Movies we're gonna take a peek at a horror comedy called Zombieland: Double Tap. It's a sequel to a movie that came out ten years ago.. I don't know. We'll talk about it in a spoiler free way.
Then it's on to the Main Event.. The Top 5 Trick Or Treat Candies Of All The Times. This is a pretty fun one. Basically the idea is, when I was sorting out my post Trick Or Treat winnings what were the candies that I gave the highest priority to...? Which ones did I either eat first or save for last? It's a ton of fun.
For the final segment of the show we talk the recent blackout, Megos, Halloween decorations and a bunch of other cool topics.
Thanks for tuning in. Have a happy/spooky Halloween and make sure to tell a friend...

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Due to some unseen complications on the homefront we weren't able to produce a new show this week.
Hopefully we'll be back on track soon but if you guys knew the depth of my despair you'd be happy that I haven't jumped off the roof off yet.. (I'm kidding but only a little)
Anyhow, enjoy this blast from the past where we take a look at the 1st Ten flicks in the 5 Mic Movie Hall Of Fame... Let's see what I had to say about all this at the time...
We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. We start off with me mopping up after last week's incident with the mini-sub. Iceberg and Emily are both there. It's a fun heartfelt moment in time..

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Classic Geekfest Rants! Ep.133: Remembering Starlog Magazine
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Hey kids! Welcome to another exciting classic GFR! This time around our guys Carlos and James talk Starlog Magazine! Let's see what they had to say at the time...
Before the internet gave us access to Ain't It Cool News, Dark Horizons, You Tube, Collider, and Super Hero Hype, all we geeks had was print media and Starlog Magazine was the place to go.
Join Carlos and James as they recall the days when we eagerly awaited the next issue of Starlog Magazine to learn about upcoming genre projects as well as conventions and merchandise.

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Classic Geekfest Rants! Ep.211: Miami Vice - 30th Anniversary
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Hey kids! We are back for another installment of Classic Geekfest Rants! This time around we're gonna give a listen to episode 211. It's about Miami Vice. Let's see what Carlos had to say at the time....
Today we remember a time where a television show inspired men to wear white Italian linen suits over pastel T-shirts while wearing imported shoes with no socks. To sport a five o'clock shadow 24/7 and to drive expensive sports cars.....well....maybe getting the cars was a little more difficult.
We are of course talking about Miami Vice, the 1984 cop show that upped the ante on the modern cop show. For years we had different versions of gritty cops but now we had the cool cops.
From music, to fashion, to action, Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas became television stars and Miami Vice became the latest evolution of the American cop show. Join us today as Carlos and James take a ride to Miami Vice.

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
MSGVP Classic Repost! VHS MMA Memories!
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Hey kids. Our guy Gino is off making some final arrangments on his big house sale and sadly can't be with us this week so we're gonna take a look at blast from the past!
Let's see what we had to say about the episode at the time!
Hey everyone!
I kick things off by talking about some MMA stuff namely Bellator fighting championship and then from there we move onto my history of renting up MMA VHS tapes over at my VHS Hot Spot, Video Droid...
Unlike that TV show Seinfeld, the MSGV Podcast really IS a show about nothing ryone, “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega here, back with Episode 1 of the Summer Series Of The “Mr. Sensational” Gino Vega Podcast on the I See Robots Radio Network!
This episode I kick things off by talking about some MMA stuff namely Bellator fighting championship and then from there we move onto my history of renting up MMA VHS tapes over at my VHS Hot Spot, Video Droid...
Unlike that TV show Seinfeld, the MSGV Podcast really IS a show about nothing!

Friday Jun 25, 2021
Classic Geeks Fest Rants! Ep.72: Catching Up With Logan's Run
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Another in our series of classic Geekfest Rants takes a look at episode 72 where Carlos digs deep into Logan's Run with the help of his friend James!
Here's what he had to say at the time...
On today's installment of GFR Carlos and James discuss that pre-Star Wars slice of sci-fi, Logan's Run!
Much like their Six Million Dollar man chat the pair have a far reaching discussion that encompasses the film's place in sci-fi history, its tv spinoff, merchandising and possible remake!

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Hey kids! Let's dig back into the super rich history of Geekfest Rants! This is one of my favorite episodes from the past.. Ep.230 Attack Of The Twelve Backs. It's a very indepth look at the 1st wave of Kenner Star Wars Figures!.
Here's what Carlos had to say at the time..
It all began with the 12-Backs, the first 12 Star Wars action figures released in 1978. While the movie overtook our lives in the summer of 1977, the action figure line overtook our wallets a year later.
Listen to Carlos and James as they give you a beginner's course on Star Wars vintage action figure collecting.
How were these figures introduced to the market, what were the variants, where did we get them, what is a double-telescoping light saber? So, dig out you old figures for today's GeekFest Rants.

Monday May 31, 2021
Classic Episode Repost: The ISR Show Ep.4: Taco Pills
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Hey kids. Only one more week till the big release of the all the ISR Joint.. World Famous but until then how about one more Classic Episode from the past. This is a good one man, there is some Iceberg and Emily, Some Hobbes and Shaw talk and a ton of other good stuff.. Give it a listen.. Here is what I had to say at the time....

Monday May 17, 2021
Classic Episode Repost! This Boring Life: Comic Book Stores
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Hey kids, we're cooking up some new content and should more than likely be back with a new show soon but until then why not listen to one of my favorite episodes of ALL THE TIMES! TBL: Comic Book Stores! This one was an absolute labor of love with a ton of hard work in it. It's about 2 hours long and should help you to make it through a hard work week...
Here's what I had to say at the time...

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Hey kids. While I'm away Walking The Earth trying to discover myself again in a Post Got That Shot World we have another super fun CERP.... This time around we're gonna take a listen to the first time that Hollywood Celeb Johnny 5 ever called into the show. Him and A.B Silver both appear. It's really a historic episode! Make sure to give it a re-listen or a 1st time listen if you are new around these parts.
Here's what I had to say about the episode when it was 1st released...