
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.24: High Diving Into The Shallow End
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Hey kids! So glad to be back with you guys again. This time around we start off with a tale of Spring Lake and of Swimming pools. Its a pretty fun segment. It has sound effects and stuff...
From there we find out what Gino Vega had for lunch and talk about tracking your calories. We appreciate my dog taking part in the show. He's a real good egg.
Overall I think this is a pretty good episode and at this point it pretty much exactly what you need.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.23: Back After A Week Away
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Hey kids! We are back after a nice holiday week, well we had computer troubles but I made the best of it.. Anyhow, we start off with a package opening and then a bit of talk about The Corps by Lanard Toys. It's fairly interesting stuff.
From there we get a message from your friend and mine Iceberg Thirteen. We haven't heard from dude in forever and man it's a doozy. He has a pretty hot talk about dudes who don't want to wear a mask! You tell em' Iceberg!
Then we move onto The Pandemic Pantry where our gal The Sausagatarian talks about the principles of making a good salad. It's a great segment. Hit her up at..Sausagatarian. It's well worth your time.
Thanks for tuning in and thanks for doing all that you can do to take care of your fellow man.

Thursday May 21, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.22: Bubble Bath Bottles And Betrayal
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Hey kids. We are back with another super fun episode of The Stuck At Home Show. This time around we cover everything from Bubble Bath Bottles to Apple Fights to childhood betrayal..
From there we meet up with The Sausagetarian and learn a really great cookie recipe! More from her can be found HERE!
Then we finish up with some Power Records stuff and another run-in with the poofy haired European Dude I don't like..
It's a pretty fun episode with a few different personal stories. I really hope you dig it and if you do consider hopping over to SupportTheReport.com and helping out with some Patreon support!

Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Hey kids. I think that like overall this is my fave episode of The Stuck At Home Show. There is an unboxing as per usual but also a new segment about comics and everyone's favorite.. What Did Gino Vega Have For Lunch Yesterday?
Make sure to tell a friend and if all possible consider the benefits of becoming a show patron. All info for that plus a ton of bonus shows available over at SupportTheReport.com

Thursday May 14, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.20: Shipwrecked At Home
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Hey kids! This time around on the good old SAH show we start off with some talk about GI Joes and then we move onto Calgon Thoughts where discuss comic book crossover events.
From there we head to The Pandemic Pantry where Sara runs us through a quick easy Fried Rice recipe. It's totally great and you too can make it with minimal effort! Sara can be found HERE!!!
We finish the show off with ANOTHER run in with the dog off the leash guy.. This one is pretty funny too. Dude is a jerk.
Wanna help us out? Hop over to SupportTheReport.com and consider joining the shoe Patreon! Think off all I do for you lol!

Monday May 11, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.19: The Adventure Continues
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Hey kids! Here we go with another all new/all fun episode of The Stuck At Home Show. This time around we start with another GI Joe unboxing and another look around under the desk. It's top-flight radio.
From there we find out what Gino Vega had for lunch. There is a twist this week. It's totally a thrill! Make sure you are sitting down..
From there we talk about a weird visit I had with the neighbor kid.. It's kinda' weird.. This is a super fun episode my dudes. I really had a good time with this one!
Make sure to stay safe and make sure to at the very least consider some financial support for the show over at SupportTheReport.com

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Hey kids! Get ready for an all new/all fun episode of The Stuck At Home Show! This time around we start of with an ebay unboxing and then move onto an all new segment with my gal The Sausagatarian called The Pandemic Pantry. It's a neat little cooking segment.
You can find more from The Sausagatarian here HERE!
I think this is a really great episode just chock full of weird and fun things and sounds! Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to hop over to SupportTheReport.com and consider helping out with a little Patreon Support!

Monday May 04, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.17: Sci-Fi and The American Pizza Man
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Hey kids. This time around on The Stuck At Home show we cover everything from GI Joe Figures to Grandma Pizza! It's a full range of fun and interesting topics.
PLUS we find out what Gino Vega had for lunch! This one is a doozy!
It's a fun show like always so PLEASE! Make sure to tell a friend!.
Patreon Exclusive Content at SupportTheReport.com

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Hey kids! Get ready for another episode of The Stuck At Home Show. This time around we start off with more Hot-Dog talk and then move onto what Gino Vega had for lunch and finish off with a fun 80's TV memory and a ton more!
It's a great episode like always make sure to tell a friend...
SupportTheReport.com for exclusive Patreon Content!

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.14: Dreadnoks And Rap Records
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Hey kids. This time around on The Stuck At Home Show we start off the show with a Gi Joe un-enveloping and then we move onto some Calgon Thoughts and then finish off with some questions from my gal over at @TheNerdyBlogger over on the tweets.. Both her queries are dope and I was super stoked to answer both..
I hope you guys dig the show and I hope you can consider hopping over to SupportTheReport.com and taking a look at some of the benefits of becoming a show patron..

Monday Apr 20, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.13: Lucky Number 13.
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Hey kids. This time around on The Stuck At Home Show we're gonna talk about all sorts of fun stuff including but not limited to GI Joe Toys, FOMO, Gino Vega's lunch and some Horse Power Initiative Stuff..
It's a super fun episode chock full of fun and off beat shenanigans!
Make sure to tell a friend!

Friday Apr 17, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.12: The Dozen
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Hey kids. Here we go, another new episode of The Stuck At Home Show. This time around we're gonna talk about pop culture cars, Pizza and all sorts of other stuff.
I hope everyone is doing well and if you are able consider hopping over to SupportTheReport.com to look into a bit of show patronage. We appreciate all the help that we can get...
It's a super fun episode!
Make sure to tell a friend!

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.11: The Horse Power Initiative
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Hey kids this time around on The Stuck At Home Show we have a million fun things ahead of us.. A new bit from our pal Gino Vega, a new health initiative and some Arcade talk! It's a really great episode!
Make sure to tell a friend! Let's spread the word about the good work that we are doing here.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.10: The Cactus
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Hey kids. So, we've made it all the way to episode 10 of The Stuck At Home.. That's wild. Anyway on this one I talk about the same old stuff, what I'm doing, A cactus that I have in the bathroom and a bunch of other things.
Look, I always say this but I think this one came out pretty well...
I hope you dig it and I hope that you are doing well...

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.9: Sneakers and Pringles...
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
hey kids.. Here we go again. Another super fun episode of The Stuck At Home Show.. This time around we're gonna talk about all sorts of cool happening around here like the latest addition to my "home gym" setup, what kind of shoes I wear and a ton of other fun stuff..
PLEASE! hit me up if you have any questions or comments.. I need some stuff to talk about lol. Hope you guys are all safe..

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Hey kids. We're still stuck at home and still having fun. I hope you guys are doing well and I hope that you guys are having fun too or at least trying to.
This time around we talk about "Stay Safe" my friend Fred and a trip I took over to the Christian School. It's a fun show like always. Make sure to tell a friend!

Friday Apr 03, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.7: Cousin Lenny And Top Secret By TSR
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Hey kids! Here we go again another new episode of The Stuck At Home Show.. This time around I share a personal story about my Cousin Lenny and then move onto some behind the scene details and what it takes to make a fun podcast.
It's a great time! Make sure to stay safe and make sure to tell a friend!

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.6: The Outside? What Is That Again?
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Hey kids.. 6 episodes? Dang. The time is flying by. Well, we have another super fun episode of The Stuck At Home Show...
What are we gonna talk about this week? IDK Man.. all sorts of stuff. It's gonna be super fun. Give it a listen. I mean, what else do you have to do?
Patreon Exclusive Content... at SupportTheReport.com

Monday Mar 30, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.5: The Start Of The Second Week
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
hey kids! Thanks for tuning in. I hope all is well and that everyone is making the most of their time indoors.. This time around on the SAH we talk GI Joe Customs, Sgt. Slaughter and take questions from you guys! It's a ton of fun.
Wanna reach out? Please do.. @IseeRobots on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.com/IseeRobots too!
I NEED questions.. It's getting hard to think of stuff to talk about lol...

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.4: The Outside? Who Needs It?
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Hey kids! Hope you guys are doing well. This time around on the SAH we start off in the garage, go peek in the little library and then poke around in the garage, look at my comics and some toys I have in there..
Then it's back inside for more fun including another vintage Star Trek unboxing and a ton of other fun stuff
I seriously hope that you guys are digging the SAH show. We here at The ISR Earth Base can use any and all support.. hit us up at

Friday Mar 20, 2020
The IseeRobots Stuck At Home Show Ep.1: Shelter In Place
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Hey kids. Your boy has been sheltered in place due the bug... It's basically house arrest. I needed something to fill the time right? So I thought hey, why not make as many shows as possible over the time available?
On this episode we talk about what's going on, what I think about that, seclusion... Local dudes, Facebook Vs. Twitter, Movies I've been watching, The gym and what I miss most about going out and doing stuff...
It's pretty fun and pretty quick so why not jump in and give it a listen...?
Patreon Exclusive content: SupportTheReport.com